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Created March 13, 2014 15:12
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# #
# Script PowerShell v4.0 #
# Library Pull Configuration #
# #
# Name : Library Pull Configuration.ps1 #
# Author : Florian Alikoff #
# Date : 10/02/2014 #
# #
# Functions #
Function Get-ComputerGuid {
Retrieve GUID for a specific AD computer.
Retrieve GUID for a specific AD computer using a computer name (samaccountname).
.PARAMETER ComputerName
Computer name
Get-ComputerGuid -ComputerName "Server01"
This script retrieve the GUID attribute of a computer in Active Directory using his samaccountname.
Process {
Function Get-ClientComputer {
Retrieve computer with adsisearcher (you don't need to have Active Directory Powershell Module).
Retrieve computer with adsisearcher (you don't need to have Active Directory Powershell Module).
You can filter by a specific organizational unit or by a group.
Organizational unit or AD group name
Filter type : OU or Group
Get-ClientComputer -Filter "Pull Clients" -SearchIn "Group"
Retrieve computer with adsisearcher (you don't need to have Active Directory Powershell Module).
You can filter by a specific organizational unit or by a group. if there is multiple OU with the same name,
it retrieves all computers in each OU. Return computer name.
[ValidateSet("OU", "Group")]
Process {
if($SearchIn -eq "OU"){
[Array]$Result = @()
$OUs = ([adsisearcher]"(&(ObjectCategory=OrganizationalUnit)(Name=$Filter))").FindAll()
ForEach($OU in $OUs.Path){
$Root = [ADSI]"$OU"
$Search = [adsisearcher]$Root
$Search.Filter = "ObjectCategory=Computer"
$Result += $Search.FindAll()
Write-Host "Invalid organizational unit."
$Group = ([adsisearcher]"(&(ObjectClass=Group)(Name=$Filter))").FindOne()
$Result = ($Group.Properties["member"] | select @{Name="ADObject";Expression={([adsisearcher]"(distinguishedname=$_)").FindOne()}} | Where-Object {$_.ADObject.Properties["ObjectClass"] -contains "computer"}).ADObject
return $
function New-FileChecksum {
Get hash from a file, then write this hash into a file with the same name (add the extension .checksum).
Get hash from a file, then write this hash into a file with the same name (add the extension .checksum).
Organizational unit or AD group name
New-FileChecksum -FilePath "C:\Data\Test.mof"
Get hash from "C:\Data\Test.mof", then write this hash into a file with the same name (add the extension .checksum), eg : "C:\Data\Test.mof.checksum".
[String[]] $FilePath
Process {
$HashMOF = (Get-FileHash $FilePath).hash
Configuration LocalConfigurationManager {
Generate pull configuration for LocalConfigurationManager ressource for specific computers.
Generate pull configuration for LocalConfigurationManager ressource for specific computers.
.PARAMETER Computers
Computer name list
Name of the pull server
Name of the share on pull server containing MOF file
.PARAMETER ConfigurationFolder
Name of the sub folder on Pull share containing MOF file
.PARAMETER ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins
Frequency between two configuration conformity check (in minutes)
.PARAMETER RefreshFrequencyMins
Frequency between two refresh of configuration file in minutes (check on pull server)
LocalConfigurationManager -OutputPath "C:\Configuration" -Computers @(Server01,Server02) -PullServer "ServerPULL01" -PullShare "DSC" `
-ConfigurationFolder "LCM" -RefreshFrequencyMins 30 -ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins 45
Generate pull configuration for LocalConfigurationManager ressource for specific computers. Local configuration manager will be configured to retrieve
configuration on \\ServerPULL01\DSC\Configuration\ every 30 minutes and check configuration every 45 minutes.
[String[]] $Computers,
[String] $PullServer,
[String] $PullShare,
[String] $ConfigurationFolder,
[int] $ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins,
[int] $RefreshFrequencyMins
ForEach($Computer in $Computers){
Node $Computer {
LocalConfigurationManager {
ConfigurationID = (Get-ComputerGuid $Computer)
ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins = $ConfigurationModeFrequencyMins
RebootNodeIfNeeded = $True
RefreshFrequencyMins = $RefreshFrequencyMins
RefreshMode = "PULL"
AllowModuleOverwrite = $True
DownloadManagerName = "DSCFileDownloadManager"
DownloadManagerCustomData = (@{SourcePath ="\\$PullServer\$PullShare\$ConfigurationFolder"})
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